Teacher - Jr. High
St. Paul Catholic School
Marion, IN
2023-2024 School Year
St. Paul Catholic School is located in Marion, Indiana. Our Pk-8th school serves a growing student population that is ethnically, culturally, and economically diverse. For more information about our school, visit Welcome to St. Paul Catholic School - St. Paul Catholic Parish - Marion, IN (stpaulcatholicmarion.com).
Job Summary:
St. Paul Catholic School has an opening for a full-time highly motivated and passionate 8th grade teacher starting in August 2023. Specifically, we are in need of a teacher with the skills to teach junior high Science. The successful candidate will be responsible for planning and delivering instruction in accordance with the curriculum guidelines of the school, as well as integrating Catholic/Christian teachings into their lessons. The ideal candidate will be a faith-filled servant leader who loves teaching, wants to see every child learn and grow in virtue, and wants to be part of a close supportive faith community.
To Apply:
Email a letter of interest and a resume to Veronica Weimer at [email protected].